Thu 02 Jan
9.5' THRILLER ▆ ▆ ♥ 100%REAL ♥█ FULLY Loaded & Functional █♥NORush♥ NOFuss █▅▃ ♥ (313)731-2334 Hon3y - 21
(Detroit, East Jefferson Area IncallsONLY)
Let's make our own 🎊🎉fireworks🎉🎊 🌟Happy 4th of July!!🌟 📱(773) 974.0418📱 - 30
(Killeen/Heights/Cove/Temple/Belton, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Auburn Hills / Pontiac ●●●WHITE TS SASHA 36DDS WITH 8 INCHES OF FUN●●●● 616-466-6931 - 25
(Detroit, Auburn Hills/Pontiac/great lakes mall)
📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕 ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️ 10XL INCHES $100 TRY THE HOTTEST TRANSEXUAL IN TOWN ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️ 📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕 - 23
(Detroit, Southfield 696 west)
let me make your wildest dreams COME TRUE! limited time only! CALL ME NOW! ;) - 20
(Austin, OUTCALL)
SUPerHEAD🍆🍆 PornSE❌🍦💦 LET me open you up TS DREAMDOLL sensual Erotic pleasures💦🍦💵 TRY ME - 24
(Detroit, WARREN 9 mile)
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( let me show u what u been missing ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) - 22
(Austin, central austin tx)
DONT cHeat YOurself Treat YourSELF 🍭🍭 EROTIC PLeasures TS MEHGAN ready now 💸💸💦 let me open you up 🍆 - 23
(Detroit, Warren mi)
_E_X_O_T_I__C *C_U_T_I_E_!* - _C_L_I_C_K * H_E_R_E_* 4T_H_E* B_E_S_T * - 21
BEST Of Both Worlds! Busty TS Kammy *$proofViDEo $* BACK IN TOWN!!! **In/Outcalls - 24
(Detroit, 8 Mile west/Greenfield/Nrthlnd/Oak park)
#1Shemeat !Specials! White Ts Sammi !! Gorgeous Caucasian Doll! REAL&READY; !Upscale Loc ! SPECIALS!! - 27
(Detroit, Sterling Hgts/Royal Oak /Troy)
*** ACTION, TS YANNA "10girlStick Pretty/ SOFT/ Satisfaction, call Me 586 420 0269 !!! - 21
(Detroit, Downtown)
Ts Beckham Sexy Slim💎 Choclate 💦 Now Available Ready Freaky Fun 😘I'm 8in Hung🍆 & I ❤ Cakes Too - 22
(Detroit, Downtown Wsu area Location)
Are you Ready for the perfect experience!! Google my num - 21
(Detroit, 13mile an little mack , rosville mi)
Fun Friendly and Unforgettable!!! 231-683-8915 Ts Danyelle Come be Amazed - 23
(Detroit, Stephenson hwy)
*~ 2 WHITE Gurls~*👄Mia and Brittany 👄**DoUbLe ThE pLeAsUrE** ~💋586-871-6948💋~** - 26
(Detroit, Warren/ Private Home 696 and Hoover area)
★★★★★] 👑 5-STAR BOMBSHELL❗ ╚» ••••► 🔥🔥🔥╠╣OTT🔥🔥🔥 ••◄☆ PARTY GIRL! 🎱 🎉 ╠╣EAVY SHOOTER💧💦💦💦 - 24
{{{***Sexy Limited Edition **ALL-STAR** Naughty Girl Just For Your PLEASURE ***}}}} - 27
(Detroit, Roseville,warren,sterling hgts,madison h)
Sexy seductive secret, !!! specials If u dont tell; neither will!!! 734-250-1423 - 19
(Detroit, Southfield)
Sexy hot Mixed Chick Real pics!!! (Pebbles) 734-250-3744 - 20
(Detroit, upscale hotel 75/northline rd)
Sexy College Girl, Polite and Discreet - 19
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
~ I V O R Y 21 ~ . . . Y o u n g P e t i t e B u s t y B l o n d e... *4 SEXY GiRL PROMiSE Call... - 21
(Austin, ~ HOTELS & RESiDENCES ~)
SEXY FUN hott blonde....let me cater 2 u!!!! Bubbles! (248) 8182013 - 18
(Detroit, 10/evergreen (southfield))
*Sexy MOLLY* No BlacK GUYS !!!I Not New To This!! - 26
(Dearborn / Livonia, Detroit, Romulus Metro Airport 94 & Merriman)
HEY AUSTIN!!! THE JADA FYRE will be in town later! In from L.A.! Book NOW! 100 Flat SPECIALS! - 23 - 23
💋Out Calls ONLY ❇ Katie Katie Katie ❇Out calls ONLY 💋Specials $150/$200 - 26
(Detroit, Out call ONLY//Mon-Sat)
100% Puerto Rican n Sexy-Ask about my special - Brooklyn ----> Come 2 me or I come 2 you. - 24
(Brooklyn, Bway junction incalls outcalls)
100% REAL PIC— ————ASIAN— ——————————YOUNG——— ——————————— HO T & S E X Y —————————————— incall 59st - - 21
(6Ave 59st, Brooklyn, Brooklyn)
NEW IN TOWN😘😊Water Works💦💧Triple Threat 😊🌟💋freaky girl😉🐝 ⭐in/Outcalls💋🌟💋 - 19
(Detroit, Downtown, Plymouth telegraph in/outcall)
(New Pics) 2 Girl Specials...Highly addictive, Highly Skilled.. Ultimate Providers. 👙 - 27
(Detroit, Romulus, metro airport 94& Merriman)
💕☆NEW 💕Petite ☆ Treat 💕☆ - 20
(Detroit, troy Rochester Southfield farmington, Warren / Sterling Heights)
MakiNg EvEn ThE UlGliest Places BEaUtiFul :0) :0) :0) :0) - 23
(Detroit, Southfield Upper Class In/Out)
☆100% real ☆ Ready to play!! 50$ Specials☆I love it ALL☆ Leaving Tomorrow!!☆Call me - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon Incalls)
Call us First !! Established N.Y.C Escort Agency ***Part/Full Positions Available
(Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, Manhattan, N.Y.C.)
B U S Y__ ESCORT AGENCY __ H I R I N G__ NOW! MAKE _ $500-$1500 __ T O N I G H T !__START ASAP !!! - 21
Independent ♥ Italian Busty n Curvy Hottie ♥ Passionate ♥ Worlds Best Kisser ♥ D&D; Free - 27
(Detroit, Outcalls ONLY Outcalls ONLY Outcalls)
·●·`·●.{{👸iTaLiAN & NaTiVE AMeRiCaN PRiNCESS.👑}} .●`·●·`·.~💛 HoT&JuiCy; 💛~.●`·●·`·.{{PASSIONATE}} - 23
(Detroit, Troy 14M EAST Sterling Heights (100.FuN)
It's all about you! treat yourself to the best and put me to the test!! - 39
(Detroit, Detroit & surrounding areas)
InCalls ❗❕🌟⭐StAr iis My Name ⭐🌟 40qv SpEciial ⭐🌟40qv⭐ 40qv🌟 InCalls IncALLs⭐🌟40qv ⭐60ss🌟100hh⭐ - 20
(696 and telegraph, Detroit, Southfield / West)
*~Hello Gentlemen, Are u looking to have some fun? *~ - 32
(Detroit, Macomb & Some Oakland Cnty. out call)
Front&BackSpecials;*Back n Town*Deals ALL night*$40&up;* UltimatePleasure 517-455-6614 or 517-748-8338 - 31
(Detroit, 696/dequindre)
FLAWLESS..... Petite.. sexy... 100% real *** 100% independant - 28
(Detroit, sterling heights (eastside))
NaS🕇IeS🕇 SupER SeXXy BBW 🔥347💥913💦6078💥 OpEN MiNdeD ThICKneSS WherE It CoUnTz - 23
(Bronx, Bx inz st anns Cypress)
**Fantastic Friday ** Busty ** Erotic Playtime Right Here *** Outcall Specials *** - 30
(Detroit, Metro Detroit Area)
💅Farmington Hills & Madison Hts 😍Diamond Ladies At Your Call ☀️☀️ Great Reviews 💄💄Beautiful Ladies👑👑 - 24
(Detroit, Downtown, Madison Hts/Farmington Hills)
film star ON TOUR NOW-first class, tall, blonde! Tues Nite-Sfld- Wed Downtown Casino - 27
(Detroit, Southfield)
FrEaKy Fridays! Rainy Day Escapades! Come Schmooze w/ me! HUGE RACK (Vanessa)*In/Out* - 28
(Auburn hills Pontiac Waterford i75 m59, Detroit, Warren / Sterling Heights)
✰ ★* Executive Decisions _ Require Only The Best __ Latin Bombshell ★✰ - 25
(Detroit, 94 & Merriman - Metro Airpot)